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  • Executive Director
    Executive Director

    Lisa Kranseler (she/her)
    Phone: 206-774-2277

    Lisa believes that we make history every single day. And, she has produced programs and exhibits that celebrate that history. Lisa loves all the amazing connections and unique history of the Jewish communities in Washington State.

    Lisa is committed to building partnerships and developing public awareness for the Washington State Jewish Historical Society. She has served on the board of the Association of King County Historical Organizations for over six years, received the Gus Norwood Volunteer Scholarship from the Washington Museum Association, won a fellowship from the Council of American Jewish Museum Association, and was awarded a grant by the American Association of State and Local History for Project Management at the Washington State History Museum. Lisa has taught in the Museum Studies Certificate Program at the University of Washington and currently serves on the Museum Studies Advisory Board.

  • Archivist and Project Manager
    Archivist and Project Manager

    Marissa Hiller (she/her)
    Phone: 206-774-2277

    A Seattle native and local artist, Marissa’s work focuses on connecting the present to the past, and working to preserve shared histories and community stories. She brings a creative approach to the WSJHS, with degrees in Art History and Library Science, having worked for NYU, the Art Students League, and more recently, the Jewish Theological Seminary in New York City where she was the Archivist and Electronic Resources Librarian.